Note from the Author

Thanks for checking out our little demo. We’ve tried to create a non-violent family oriented game that is both fun to play and stimulates a part of your brain that is worth an investment.


If you like what you see, you can purchase the full version at For only $14.95 you get:

·         Over 50 levels

·         Over 50 parts

·         5 background environments

·         4 musical tracks

·         A super cool Builder where you can create your own maniacal levels.

·         Email your own levels to friends.

·         Join the Chain Reaction Community Contests and compete against other like-minded puzzle masters!


We hope you enjoy playing the Chain Reaction Demo… Have Fun!



Chris Cole

CTO & Co-Founder of Monster Studios, LLC



·         Note from the Author

·         Contents

·         Requirements

·         Installation

·         Uninstalling the Chain Reaction Demo

·         Playing Chain Reaction

·         Level Goal (Or "How the heck do I play this crazy game?")

·         Part Manipulation & the “Start” Button

·         Camera Movement

·         Mouse Controls (Left Button)

·         Hot Keys

·         Starting Chain Reaction in Fullscreen Mode

·         Notes



We’ve really tried to keep the system requirements down to a minimum. To play Chain Reaction you’ll need.

·         Win98, WinNT, Win2000, Win Me or Win XP.

·         450Mhz or greater processor. (Truth-be-told I wrote Chain Reaction on a PIII 550Mhz Win98 machine, so a 450Mhz machine should work fine but might be a bit sluggish on the larger levels.)

·         Video Hardware accelerator card. Most old cards will run Chain Reaction, however not a whole lot of compatibility testing has been done with these cards. If you’re having trouble running Chain Reaction on an old card you may be out of luck, however check out Starting Chain Reaction in Fullscreen Mode for a possible fix. No guarantees on this though!

·         DirectX 8.0. Actually Chain Reaction should run on DX7.0 but again it’s hard to find machines with these older drivers. If you need to upgrade go to



Presumably, if you are reading this document, you have already downloaded the Chain Reaction Demo.

·         To install the Chain Reaction Demo onto your hard drive double click on the chainreactiondemo_installer.exe file included in the download.

·         This will invoke the installer.

·         Follow the installer directions to complete the installation of the Chain Reaction Demo onto your hard drive.


Uninstalling the Chain Reaction Demo

The Chain Reaction Demo comes with an uninstaller.

·         Goto Start->Programs->Chain Reaction Demo->Uninstall.

·         This will invoke the Chain Reaction Demo’s uninstaller.

·         Follow the uninstaller instruction.


Playing the Chain Reaction Demo

When you start the Chain Reaction Demo you will see a series of introduction pages followed by a self-running level. These pages have instructions on how to play the demo so you may want to read each of them. However, you may click through any of these screens at any time to take you directly to the Home Page. Once on the Home Page you have three options:

·         Play – Clicking on this button will start the first of the demo levels. Successfully completing a level will advance you to the next level. Once all the levels have been completed you will be returned to this Home Page.

·         Buy Me! – Obviously we want everyone who has seen this demo to click on this button at least once. It will direct your browser to our product purchase page. Hopefully you’ll like Chain Reaction well enough to buy a copy for yourself, your family, some friends, maybe your cat… J

·         Exit – This will exit the demo.

Level Goal (Or "How the heck do I play this crazy game?")

We've created a game that is simple to understand yet hopefully will supply hours of entertainment. The goal of each level is always the same; get MC Monster (that's the little purple guy in the rocket ship) onto his landing pad. If you can get him to stop (or at least slow down) on the pad, the level will be solved.


Part Manipulation & the “Start” Button

Parts with orbiting stars can be moved. The other parts are locked down. Use the free parts to solve the level. Move, flip, rotate, or stretch them however you see fit, then press the “Start” button to see the reaction. This essentially turns on physics. If you didn’t get it quite right, hit the “Stop” button and continue moving the parts about on the screen until you solve the level.


You’ll notice that there are stars circling the parts that you can move. If you don’t see any stars hit the “TAB” key. This will toggle the stars on and off. Some parts are kind of small. Watch the stars - you can grab a part only when the stars change from yellow to pink.


Camera Movement

Sometimes you can’t see all the parts. Use the camera arrows on the lower right of the screen to position and zoom the camera. If you are having trouble grabbing a part, try zooming in on it. The red button in the middle of the arrows will center the camera onto MC Monster - kind of nice when your view gets wacky.


Mouse Controls (Left Button)

Click & Drag                    = Moves camera.

Click & Drag over part          = Grabs, drags or manipulates objects.

Click & Drag over part property = Manipulates property (like flip or rotate or stretch).

Ctrl - Click & Drag             = Free Rotate quickly rotates camera.

Shift - Click & Drag            = Free Zoom quickly zooms camera in/out.

Double Click                    = Center camera over MC Monster.

Mouse Wheel                     = Zooms in and out.


Hot Keys

ESC                             = Exit - quits the game.

ALT-ENTER                       = Toggles between Windowed and Fullscreen modes.

TAB                             = Toggles active stars & rollover text - kind of nice when building a level.

C                               = Centers camera on MC Monster.


Starting Chain Reaction in Fullscreen Mode

Some older video cards (hardware accelerators) do not support windowed acceleration. This sounds a little complicated and in fact it is but bare with us for a minute. By switching to fullscreen mode some display problems can be fixed. You may be asking yourself, “So why doesn’t Chain Reaction detect this in the first place?” Well, in fact, we are attempting to detect this however we’ve discovered that some cards still run Chain Reaction but fail our windowing test. So here’s a short step-by-step instruction to tell Chain Reaction to play in fullscreen mode at startup.

·         Open the folder where you installed Chain Reaction.

·         By default this is “C:\Program Files\Monster Studios\Chain Reaction”.

·         Double-click on the file called “Chain Reaction.ini”. This is an initialization file for Chain Reaction.

·         Find the block labeled [DISPLAY]. Make sure it DOES NOT have a semicolon ‘;’ in front of it.

·         Below this block you should see a  “WINDOWED=1” label.

·         Change this ‘1’ to a ‘0’.

·         You should now have a “WINDOWED=0” label.

·         Save and close the “Chain Reaction.ini” file.

·         That’s it! Now try running Chain Reaction in fullscreen mode.

·         If Chain Reaction still fails to display anything, your card is probably too old to play Chain Reaction.



·         Keep an eye on the Monster Studios web page ( for additional downloads, contests, expansion packs, patches and the lot. We’re already working on new titles so if you enjoy Chain Reaction be sure to check in once in a while to see what we’re cooking up next.

·         For on-line help see Chain Reaction On-Line Help.

·         If you have technical problems or would like to rant or rave, GarageGames has a Chain Reaction forum setup. Be sure to check in for the most up to date hints, strategies or just plain Chain Reaction community fun on the Chain Reaction Forum.

·         There is a known texture corruption bug we’re currently working on. This bug does not seem to affect gameplay.

·         For those of you with GeForce 2 cards. It is necessary for you to get nVidia’s most recent drivers. You can find them at the nVidia Driver Web page.